GPL - Measurement - Terminologies and Methods
Ways to measure:
- Direct measurement: read directly from the device
- Indirect measurement: value is determined by formula or relation among it and other quantities.
Measuring units in SI:
Include: length, mass, time, temperature, electric current, amount of substance, luminous intensity (độ sáng)
Subsidiary quantities and unit: plane angle and solid angle
Derived quantities and unit: quantities which are derived since their dimensions are derived from base quantities by multiplication and division.
Prefix: tiền tố đặt trước đơn vị nhằm xác định độ nhỏ hay độ to của đơn vị cơ bản
Dimensionless quantities: đại lượng không có đơn vị khi ta thực hiện phép chia của hai đại lượng có một đơn vị (hằng số hoặc tỉ lệ)
Errors occuring during the measurement:
Fact: no measurement is free of uncertainties.
Error of the measured quantity $x$ is denoted by $\triangle x$: $\triangle x = x_{true} - x$
Accuracy: tính đúng của sự đo đạc
Precision: sự lặp lại nhiều lần đo đạc
Uncertainty: interval around the true value
Bias: the difference between the avarage value and the accepted true. $\overline{x}$ and $x$
Blunders: sai sót thực tế (đo sai thang)
Types of errors:
- Coarse error: lỗi chủ quan
- Systematic error: lỗi đo đạc từ các đại lượng
- Random error: như tên của nó :)
Methods of data processing:
Single measurement
Multiple measurement: repeat measuring of a quantity and then collect the data
Rules to present the final result:
- If the result is very small or very big, present it in scientific notation.
- Keep three digits after the decimal point
- The absolute error must be presented in the same notation as measured quantity.
- The absolute error must be rounded to the first significant figure
- The result must be in the form $(x + \triangle x)$ [units] (if the absolute value is less than the result, left the zeros behind the value)
Graphical representation of data:
- Decide which quantity to be plotted
- Use a Cartesian coordinate system (hệ trục tọa độ Đề cát)
- Decide which origin to appear on the graph
- Choose a scale
- Write a label in the margin next to each axis which indicates the quantity
- Write a label in the margin at the top of the graph that indicates the nature of the graph
- Plot points
- Draw a smooth curve that comes close to all of the points